
职 称:










以第1或通讯作者发表Nature Materials和Nature Communications 各2篇,金属领域顶刊Acta Materialia 3篇。授权发明专利13项,荣获首批陕西省普通高校青年杰出人才、国际显微学会青年科学家、陕西省科学技术一等奖、湖南省自然科学奖二等奖、湖南省自然科学奖二等奖等荣誉和奖项。所在教师团队获得首批全国高校黄大年式教师团队以及西安交大研究生教育优秀导师团队荣誉称号,所授课程入选国家级一流本科课程。







[1] Huang L, Chen D. Xie D* et al., Quantitative tests revealing hydrogen-enhanced dislocation motion in α-iron. Nature Materials. 2023. doi.org/10.1038/s41563-023-01537-w

[2] D. Xie*, R. Zhang, X. Dai, Z. Nie, X. Wang, E. Ma, J. Li, Z. Shan*. Long-distance interface diffusion induced non-volume-conserved deformation in self-supported submicron-sized aluminum pillars, Acta Mater. 255 (2023) 119092.

[3] Nie Z-Y, Sato Y, Ogata S, Duarte MJ, Dehm G, Li J, Ma E, Xie D-G*, Shan Z-W. Ultralong one-dimensional plastic zone created in aluminum underneath a nanoscale indent. Acta Mater. 2022;232:117944.

[4] Xie, D.-G., L. Wan, and Z.-W. Shan, Hydrogen enhanced cracking via dynamic formation of grain boundary inside aluminium crystal. Corrosion Science, 2021. 183: p. 109307.

[5] Qin, Y., Z. Nie, C. Ma, L. Huang, Y. Yang, Q. Fu, W. He, and D. Xie*, Simple nanoindentation-based method for determining linear thermal expansion coefficients of micro-scale materials. Journal of Materials Research, 2020. 35(23): p. 3202-3209.

[6] Xie, D.-G., Zhang, R.-R., Nie, Z.-Y., Li, J., Ma, E., Li, J. & Shan, Z.-W. Deformation mechanism maps for sub-micron sized aluminum. Acta Mater. 2020. 188: p. 570-578.

[7] Xie D-G, Nie Z-Y, Shinzato S, Yang Y-Q, Liu F-X, Ogata S, Li J, Ma E, Shan Z-W. Controlled growth of single-crystalline metal nanowires via thermomigration across a nanoscale junction. Nature Communications, 2019, 10 (1)4478.

[8] 解德刚 等. 氢与金属的微观交互作用研究进展. 中国材料进展 【特约专栏】 37, 055-063 (2018).

[9] Li M, Xie D-G, Ma E, Li J, Zhang X-X, Shan Z-W. Effect of hydrogen on the integrity of aluminium–oxide interface at elevated temperatures. Nature Communications 8, 14564 (2017).

[10] Xie D, et al. Hydrogenated vacancies lock dislocations in aluminium. Nature Communications 7, 13341 (2016). (IDS:EB2CY)

[11] Xie D, Wang Z, Sun J, et al. In situ study of the initiation of hydrogen bubbles at the aluminium metal/oxide interface[J]. Nature Materials, 2015, 14 (9): 899-903. (IDS:CP9CT)

[12] Zhang LQ*, Wang YC*, Xie DG*, et al. In situ transmission electron microscopy study of the electrochemical sodiation process for a single CuO nanowire electrode[J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6 (14): 11441-11445.

[13] Wang Y, Xie D, Ning X, et al. Thermal treatment-induced ductile-to-brittle transition of submicron-sized Si pillars fabricated by focused ion beam[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106 (8): 081905.

[14] Xie D, Li W. A novel simple approach to preparation of superhydrophobic surfaces of aluminum alloys[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2011, 258 (3): 1004-1007.


[1] In situ quantitative environmental TEM tests on hydrogen-dislocation interaction in Al and Fe, The 20th International Microscopyh Congress, 10-15 September, 2023, Busan, Korea (Invited Speaker)

[2] In situ study of hydrogen-induced cavity/blister nucleation and growth at metal/oxide interface, The 20th International Microscopyh Congress, 10-15 September, 2023, Busan, Korea (Invited Speaker)

[3] 铝在微纳米尺度的高温变形行为,中国微米纳米技术学会微纳结构表征创新论坛(2023),2023年7月24日-26日,兰州(邀请报告)

[4] 用环境透射电镜原位定量研究氢对金属位错行为的影响,中国材料大会,2023年7月7-10日,深圳。(邀请报告)

[5] Hydrogen-dislocation interactions in Al and Fe revealed by in situ ETEM quantitative tests,第六届材料微结构与性能学术会议,2023年5月19-21日,杭州(邀请报告)

[6] Hydrogen-dislocation interactiona in Al and Fe Rrevealed by in situ ETEM quantitative tests, 2023 International Workshop on Materials Behavior at Micro- and Nano-Scale, May 9-12, 2023, Xi’an

[7] In-situ electron microscopy for hydrogen effect on dislocation motion and cracking in metals,第三届汽车EVI及高强度钢氢脆国际会议,2023年4月19日-21,重庆(邀请报告)

[8] Environmental Attack in Metals Revealed by in Situ ETEM, The 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM10), August 18-22, 2019 in Xi'an. (邀请报告)

[9] Hydrogen-dislocation interaction in Al and Fe revisited by quantitative mechanical tests inside TEM, TMS2019,10-14 Mar 2019, San Antonio (邀请报告)

[10] Deformation mechanism maps for submicron aluminum at elevated temperatures, TMS2019,10-14 Mar 2019, San Antonio

[11] New insights into thermomechanical and chemomechanical problems via in situ quantitative nanomechanical TEM,NTNU, invited by Prof. Afrooz Barnoush, 7 June 2018, Trondheim, Norway

[12] “Thermomechanical and Chemomechanical Experiments by in situ TEM: a Case Study on Hydrogen Embrittlement/Damage”, Oxford University, invited by Prof. Sergio Lozano-Perez, 25 May, 2018, Oxford, UK

[13] “The role of hydrogenated vacancies on modulus, dislocation behavior and interfacial damage in pure aluminum”, 3rd International Conference on Metals & Hydrogen, 29-31 May 2018, Ghent, Belgium

[14] “用环境透射电子显微镜原位研究氢和位错及界面的交互作用”, 第一届中国汽车EVI及高强度钢氢致延迟断裂会议,12月14-15日,2017,北京(邀请报告)

[15] Xie D.-G., “Hydrogen effects on dislocation motion revisited by quantitative mechanical tests inside TEM”, 2016 International Hydrogen Conference, Moran, WY, USA, Sep. 11-14, 2016